Whether we realize it or not, everything that revolves around us has its reason(s). Now, when I say everything, I mean literally EVERYTHING from the smallest atomic particle to the galaxy up in space. The question is, are we aware of it? Because most probably, it relates to us. Nothing is out of coincidence, Allah is al-Hakim (Maha Bijaksana). He created everything and controls everything with His likes and there is always something good behind it. I'd say, a bless in disguise.
"Everything happens for a reason." We all say and hear this one short sentence a lot, right? However, do we really think of its reasons? Although we are not sure whether the reasons that we had thought might not be right, it could also be true. For whatever reasons, just think and BELIEVE that Allah plans for the better of us. No doubt of that. Not even the slightest.
I'll give you an example. Something bad happened to me. Well, not really that bad, just something regularly happens but it is kinda bad in one way.
Okay, a few days before, I came late to class. I was seriously worried and feel bad for myself. Thank goodness I have a friend who was also late. But after thinking for a few moments, my heart suddenly felt at peace. I thought of the reasons that what if I came earlier as usual? Maybe something bad could happen to me or even to my friend. Accidents, maybe? We would never know. Nevertheless, Allah does. So I just think that Allah had planned it for a good reason or reasons perhaps. Only He knows what is best for us. It's already written in the Luh Mahfuz. For the consequences and what's coming next, we should face it with a bold spirit. Alhamdulillah the lecturer wasn't teaching on that day and she wasn't mad at all. I don't even know whether she realized that we were late or not. -__-'
To end this, I'd like to share you a verse. :)
".....dan boleh jadi kamu benci sesuatu sedangkan ia lebih baik bagimu dan boleh jadi kamu kasihi sesuatu sedangkan ia memudarat kapadamu. Allah mengetahui tetapi kamu tidak mengetahuinya."
Surah al-Baqarah:216
See, it is already stated in the Quranul Karim! All we have to do is to THINK.
For you and for me. ^-^
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah.
PS: Udah sebulan tak update blog. Heheh. Sorry, teramat busy dan juga teramat malas. Ni tiba2 rasa rajin pun sebab tadi baca blog orang lepastu teringin jugak. Idea banyak cuma tak tertulis je. Kalau tak baca blog tadi, mau sebulan lagi tak update. :P