Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wrong impressions.

I'm not like what you think I am. Sorry for that. That's my weakness. Yes. I'm short of knowledge but I'll try my best to treasure the knowledge that I have and not keeping it just for myself. Please, you are always allowed to correct me if I'm wrong. Sometimes I say things that I don't want to. Thinking to make the person happy when I didn't think of making The One happy. I could take it back but my mouth shut tight. All I could do is just repent but I don't think it is enough. But I am sure that Allah will always accept pure and sincere repentance. I keep telling myself to improve but I'm not. It's not constant. Some people would say this is a personality crisis but it's not. I know who I am but I keep ignoring that one particular door that leads me to the right way. 

ALLAH SWT berfirman dalam sebuah hadith qudsi :
"Wahai Bani Adam, apabila engkau mengajukan permohonan dan mengharap kepada-Ku, maka Ku ampuni segala yang ada padamu tanpa peduli. Wahai Bani Adam, sekalipun dosamu bertumpuk-tumpuk hingga setinggi langit, tapi kemudian engkau meminta ampun kepada-Ku, nescaya Ku-ampuni dosamu. Wahai Bani Adam, sekiranya engkau datang dengan dosa setimbang bumi, kemudian engkau menemui Aku dalam keadaan tidak mempersekutukan Aku dengan sesuatu pun, nescaya Aku kurniakan ampunan setimbang dosa itu" (HR. At-Tirmidzi)

"Ya Allah, janganlah kau palingkan hatiku setelah kau memberi pertunjuk kepadaku. Sesungguhnya solatku, ibadahku, hiduoku dan matiku hanyalah untukmu."

May Allah bless you :)